World / BRICS Summit

China, Russia have foundation for conjoining development strategies

[2015-07-01 10:23]

Deep political mutual trust, pragmatic cooperation and high-quality strategic programs have laid a solid foundation for conjoining China's and Russia's national development strategies, which are gaining strong momentum, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui said.

China's top legislature reviews BRICS bank agreement

[2015-06-24 19:37]

China's top legislature started reviewing an agreement on the founding of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), intended to fund infrastructure in the BRICS bloc and other developing economies.

China's top legislator calls for closer BRICS cooperation

[2015-06-09 09:04]

China's top legislator Zhang Dejiang on Monday urged the world's five leading emerging economies to boost cooperation and play a constructive role in addressing global issues and promoting world peace and development.

China urges BRICS to unite for promoting multi-lateralism

[2015-05-27 08:45]

Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi Tuesday urged BRICS members to unite and promote multi-lateralism in international relations.

China, Russia vow to boost cooperation on regional, global issues

[2015-05-26 09:03]

Visiting Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi held a meeting with Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev on Monday and the two discussed issues concerning bilateral ties and the current global situation.

BRICS bank may open by year end

[2015-05-16 09:01]

The BRICS Development Bank will be operational as early as the end of this year or the beginning of 2016, and membership will not be limited to the group's five-member nations.

Greece willing to discuss to join BRICS Development Bank

[2015-05-12 14:31]

Greece is willing to discuss a Russian invitation to join the BRICS Development Bank, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said here on Monday, according to national news agency AMNA.

Putin ratifies east-route gas pipeline agreement with China

[2015-05-03 10:50]

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday ratified a gas supply agreement with China via the so- called Eastern route.

America, Europe told to work with BRICS

[2015-04-17 08:56]

A completely new economic system, initiated by the BRICS, is emerging with extremely rapid speed, said an international think tank Thursday, urging the United States and Europe to ditch geopolitics and work with them.

BRICS countries consent to promote judicial cooperation

[2015-03-28 21:39]

Top courts in BRICS countries signed a statement Saturday to promote judicial cooperation, raising cooperation among the five member countries to a new level

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