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Chinese president's special envoy goes to Cuba to mourn Fidel Castro's passing

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-12-01 09:04

Chinese president's special envoy goes to Cuba to mourn Fidel Castro's passing

Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao, who is acting as Chinese President Xi Jinping's special envoy, lays a wreath to late Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on behalf of Xi, at Jose Marti Memorial in Havana, Cuba, on Nov 29, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua]

HAVANA -- Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao went to Cuba on behalf of Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday to pay condolences to late Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.

Li, who was acting as Xi's special envoy, went to Jose Marti Memorial on Tuesday morning to lay a wreath to Castro on behalf of Xi, and conveyed Xi's deepest condolences to Castro's family members on site.

On Tuesday night, Li attended a grand memorial meeting for Castro at the Havana Revolution Plaza, and delivered a speech.

On behalf of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese President Xi, the CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people, Li expressed deepest condolences over Castro's passing away.

Li said Comrade Fidel was the founder of the Communist Party of Cuba and the country's socialist cause. He was a great leader of the Cuban people, and had made enduring historic achievements for the Cuban people and the world's socialist development. History and people will remember him forever, Li said.

The Chinese vice president said that Comrade Fidel had been devoted to the Cuba-China friendship, and had been closely following as well as speaking highly of China's development. The Chinese people miss him dearly, he said.

Li believed that under the firm leadership of Comrade Raul Castro, the Communist Party of Cuba, the Cuban government and the Cuban people are bound to turn their sorrow into strength, continue the legacy of Fidel Castro, and make new achievements in the construction of socialism.

China will work with Cuba to deepen the friendship and cooperation between the two parties and the two nations, bring benefits to both peoples, and jointly make active contributions to the noble cause of world peace and development, Li said.

Cuban President Raul Castro and a dozen foreign leaders also gave speeches at the meeting.


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