World / China-Poland

What experts say on China-Poland relations

[2016-06-19 18:01]

What experts say on China-Poland relations

China, Poland set to upgrade strategic partnership

[2016-06-19 17:32]

China and Poland are expected to upgrade their strategic partnership to a "comprehensive level" on Monday during President Xi Jinping's visit in this fast-developing country, according to a senior Chinese diplomat.

Poland proves its worth as a partner

[2016-06-17 08:29]

President Xi Jinping's state visit to Poland, just six months after his Polish counterpart's trip to China, is a clear message that Poland is an important partner for China in Central Europe, a leading think tank analyst says.

Polish president says Xi Jinping understands central European dynamic

[2016-06-19 16:22]

Polish President Andrzej Duda said his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping's arrival in Central and Eastern Europe for the second time in less than three months signalled his full recognition of the region's dynamics and importance.

Business booms in China-Europe freight train loading

[2016-06-19 16:05]

At Saturday noon, a freight train carrying dozens of containers pulled into the station at a logistics park in Poland's central city of Lodz, whistling a soothing tune for those waiting for its arrival.

Polish ambassador to China talks Xi visit

[2016-06-19 10:14]

President Xi's visit to Poland is yet another confirmation of the importance of Polish-Chinese strategic partnership, after the visit Poland's President Andrzej Duda paid to China in November last year.

Xi calls for joint development effort

[2016-06-18 02:26]

China and Europe should closely match each other's development strategy and deepen joint interests, President Xi Jinping wrote on the eve of his visits to Serbia and Poland.

Xi's visit to usher in new era in China-Poland partnership: ambassador

[2016-06-16 15:23]

The upcoming visit to Poland by Chinese President Xi Jinping will bring historic opportunities to the two countries, said the Chinese ambassador to the Central European country.

Chinese book fair launched in Poland ahead of President Xi's visit

[2016-06-15 10:38]

Bookstores across Poland are jointly taking part in a month-long book fair to promote literature on ancient and modern China.

Poland's media say interest in China growing

[2016-06-15 07:14]

Heads of news organizations in Poland said on Tuesday that the country's people have a growing interest in China and the coming state visit by President Xi Jinping will have a great impact on the social and economic development of both countries.

Poland ready for historical Xi visit

[2016-06-14 20:51]

Heads of press organizations from Poland said on Tuesday that the public has shown growing interests about China and the upcoming state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping, expecting it to bring great impact on social and economic development of both countries.