World / China-Poland

Cultural exchange photo exhibition opens in Poland

[2016-06-14 17:25]

A photo exhibition opened on Tuesday in Warsaw, Poland showcasing pictures of that country and China to help boost cultural exchanges between the two ahead of President Xi Jinping's first state visit.

Polish official: Belt and Road is most promising for China, Europe

[2016-04-25 20:18]

Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski spoke highly of China's One Belt One Road Initiative, saying that it's the most promising cooperation platform between China and Europe, in his speech given in Beijing today.

Direct flights to be link China, Poland

[2012-05-29 17:15]

LOT Polish Airlines will start offering direct flights between China and Poland starting from May 30, the company announced Tuesday.

China, Poland agree on better cooperation

[2015-11-24 15:50]

China and Poland on Tuesday pledged to cement economic and trade relations and step up cooperation in infrastructure.

Wen: China-Poland relations at higher level

[2012-04-26 00:26]

Visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here Wednesday that relations between China and Poland are now standing at a higher level.

China, Poland hold trade, investment co-op forum in Warsaw

[2012-10-25 11:16]

A delegation of more than 30 Chinese enterprises attended the China-Poland Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum held here in Warsaw on Wednesday.

Poland remains a spring of hope for business

[2012-04-27 09:40]

Chinese wholesalers in Poland are keeping their heads above water much better than their counterparts in other European countries.

Wen pledges development

[2012-04-26 10:19]

China is faced with a "long-term and formidable task" to transform its development pattern and realize sustainable growth, Premier Wen Jiabao said.

China to beef up anti-corruption co-op with Poland

[2012-06-26 17:51]

A senior official of the Communist Party of China pledged on Tuesday to boost exchanges between the discipline inspection departments of China and Poland.

Poland to enhance co-op with China

[2012-09-13 21:35]

Visiting Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said on Thursday that good use must be made of the newly established strategic partnership between China and Poland to achieve better development for both countries.

Direct flights to be link China, Poland

[2012-05-29 17:15]

LOT Polish Airlines will start offering direct flights between China and Poland starting from May 30, the company announced Tuesday.

Poland remains a spring of hope for business

[2012-04-27 07:35]

Chinese wholesalers in Poland are keeping their heads above water much better than their counterparts in other European countries.

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