World / China-Middle East

Xi: Trust between Chinese and Arab peoples are unbreakable

By Xing Zhigang ( Updated: 2016-01-21 22:37

In a speech delivered at the Arab League Headquarters on January 21, President Xi Jinping pointed out that trust between Chinese and Arab peoples are unbreakable.

"In their exchanges across time and space, the Chinese and Arab peoples have been sincere with each other, forging friendship along the ancient Silk Road, sharing weal and woe in the fight for national independence, and helping each other in building their own countries. Such trust in unbreakable and cannot be bought with money," Xi said.

He also said that the Middle East is a land of abundance. "Yet we are pained to see it still plagued by war and conflict. The people here want less conflict and suffering, more peace and dignity. There is hope in the Middle East, and all parties should look for it by pursing dialogue and development."

President Xi Jinping stressed that to uphold the lawful national rights and interests of the Palestinian people is the shared responsibility of the international community.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China firmly supports the Middle East peace process and supports the establishment of a State of Palestine enjoying full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Xi said that China and Arab states should be builders of peace, promoters of development, boosters of industrialization, supporters of stability and partners of people-to-people exchanges in the Middle East.

 President Xi stressed that in order to ensure the smooth flow of talents and ideas along the Belt and Road, China will implement the “hundred, thousand and ten thousand” project for enhancing China-Arab friendship.

“Under the project, we will launch a ‘Silk Road Book Translation’ program for the translation of 100 Chinese and Arab classics into each other’s language,” Xi said.

“We will strengthen connectivity between our think tanks and invite 100 experts and scholars to visit each other’s countries. We will provide 1,000 training opportunities for young Arab leaders and invite 1,500 leaders of Arab political parties to visit China to bring up young envoys and political leaders for China-Arab friendship,” said Xi.

Xi said that China will also provide 10,000 scholarships and 10,000 training opportunities for Arab states and organize mutual visits for 10,000 Chinese and Arab artists.


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