World / China-Egypt

Professor builds 'cultural bridges' with translations

[2016-01-20 08:14]

Nobody understands the power of language in building a bridge between the Chinese and Arabs better than Zhu Weilie, a leading scholar of Arabic studies and the winner of many awards for his translations of famous Middle Eastern works.

Full text of Chinese President's signed article on Egyptian newspaper

[2016-01-20 00:01]

Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article titled "Let China-Arab Friendship Surge Forward like the Nile" on Egyptian newspaper Alahram on Tuesday ahead of his state visit to the country.

Xi's book promoted in Egypt on eve of his visit

[2016-01-19 23:35]

On the eve of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Egypt, his book, "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China," was presented Tuesday at a China-themed book promotion event in Cairo.

China showcases books in Arabic in Cairo exhibition

[2016-01-19 23:34]

China's leading foreign language press will include a special bookshelf for their Arabic publications in the Middle East to meet the need of Arabic people wanting to know more about China.

Xi's visit to Egypt to be historical, fruitful: media

[2016-01-19 22:13]

Local media in Egypt on Tuesday hailed Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Cairo as a "historical" leap in the mutual comprehensive ties.

Growing interest in Chinese language

[2016-01-19 20:34]

Egyptians' passion for Chinese has increased as bilateral trade between China and Egypt reaches a historical high.

Xi's visit to boost bilateral ties of China, Egypt: special envoy

[2016-01-19 19:03]

Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Egypt will advance bilateral relations and deepen cooperation in international and regional affairs, China's special envoy on Middle East affairs said.

Chinese book exhibition opens in Egypt

[2016-01-19 17:38]

A girl practices calligraphy at the 2016 Egyptian Exhibition on Chinese Books, Jan 19, 2016.

China's fiberglass company Jushi plans to raise investment, production in Egypt

[2016-01-19 11:21]

World's largest manufacturer of fiberglass Jushi Group plans to increase its investment and production in Egypt.

Egypt and China: Partners on the long road

[2016-01-19 09:40]

Xi's visit is of high significance for China and Egypt as this year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

China reveals Xi's Mideast schedule

[2016-01-18 17:21]

President Xi Jinping will start state visits to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran from Tuesday and deliver a speech at the headquarters of the Arab League.

Xi to deliver speech on Middle East policy

[2016-01-18 11:51]

President Xi Jinping will deliver a speech at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo during his three-country visit to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran.