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Themes and results of BRICS summits over the decade

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-09-01 11:00

The year of 2017 ushers in the second decade of BRICS cooperation. Over the past decade, BRICS cooperation has gone to greater depth and substance, yielding fruitful and laudable outcomes. Let's look back at the main themes and results of BRICS summits over the past decade.


Themes and results of BRICS summits over the decade

1st BRIC Summit

June 2009

Yekaterinburg, Russia 

The BRIC grouping's first formal summit was attended by leaders of BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China. The summit's focused on means of improving the global economic situation and reforming financial institutions, and discussed the prospects of BRIC dialogue and how the four countries could better cooperate in the future.

The summit issued a joint statement calling for greater say and representation of emerging markets and developing countries in international financial institutions, and adopted a Joint Statement on Global Food Security.

Themes and results of BRICS summits over the decade


Themes and results of BRICS summits over the decade

2nd BRIC Summit

April 2010

Brasilia, Brazil

The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China discussed issues including the global financial crisis, the selection mechanism of World Bank and IMF’s senior management, climate change, UN reform, international and regional hot-spot issues and BRIC cooperation.

The summit issued a joint statement and agreed on concrete measures to promote BRIC cooperation and coordination.

South Africa was admitted into the bloc in December 2010.

Themes and results of BRICS summits over the decade


Themes and results of BRICS summits over the decade

3rd BRICS Summit

April 2011

Sanya, China

Theme: Broad Vision, Shared Prosperity

China took the BRICS rotating presidency and held the Summit in southernmost province of Hainan.

The summit issued the Sanya Declaration and its Action Plan, agreeing to further deepening exchanges and cooperation in finance, think tank, energy, science and technology. South Africa became a member of the bloc, extending the name to BRICS.

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