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President Xi strengthens ties with Spanish King

By AN BAIJIE in Astana | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-06-09 21:25

President Xi strengthens ties with Spanish King

President Xi Jinping (R) meets with Spanish King Felipe VI in Astana, Kazakhstan, June 9, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

President Xi Jinping said on Friday that China and Spain should make full use of the China-Europe rail line, connecting Yiwu city of East China with Madrid, in a discussion with Spanish King Felipe VI.

The president also welcomed Spain to proactively participate in building the Belt and Road.

Noting that China paid high attention to the bilateral relations, Xi said he appreciated the Spanish royal family's firm support in developing relations with China.

"The two countries should make joint efforts to upgrade comprehensive strategic partnerships to a higher level in order to benefit the people of both sides," he said.

Xi further called on both sides to strengthen high-level exchanges, as well as firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns.

"The two countries should connect their development strategies and deepen cooperation in areas including finance, telecommunication, renewable resources, agriculture, pharmacy, aviation and aerospace," he said.

Xi then called for more joint efforts with Spain to push the development of economic globalization in the direction of being more open, inclusive, beneficial and balanced.

"China firmly supports the process of European integration," Xi said.

"We hope Spain will continue to play a positive role in the European Union, in order to make positive contributions to the healthy and steady development of China-EU relations."

The Spanish king expressed his willingness of strengthening political trust, deepening high-level exchanges and enhancing practical cooperation in all areas with China.

"The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative will play an important role in promoting global economic growth," he said.

"Spain would like to enhance cooperation in infrastructure and energy with China under the Belt and Road framework."

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