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  • Sept 11, remembrance and reassessment

    2011-09-09 07:54

    It is proper for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to urge people on Tuesday to call the place known as Ground Zero by its new name: The World Trade Center and the National September 11th Memorial and Museum.

  • US fiscal condition sours 10 yrs after 9/11

    2011-09-10 15:19

    With the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks fading into some people's distant memories, public anxiety over Washington's fiscal pressure has been mounting over the past decade.

  • Expert: After 9/11, US greatly weakened

    2011-09-09 19:32

    Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of one of the greatest tragedies ever to happen on US soil.Ten years after the 9/11 attacks, here's a selection of comments from Chinese experts on the events that changed the world.

  • Hatred, intolerance behind terrorist disasters

    2011-09-08 17:21

    As the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches, Tom Ridge, the first US Secretary of Homeland Security, talked about the battle against terrorism worldwide and the changes that happened after the attacks.

  • Post-9/11 US intelligence reforms take root

    2011-09-08 16:34

    US intelligence agencies will forever be scarred by their failure to connect the dots and detect the September 11 plot, but a decade later efforts to break down barriers to information-sharing are taking root.

  • 9/11 commissioner says al-Qaida still a threat

    2011-09-08 16:32

    Though the death of Osama bin Laden and the leaders of terrorist organizations greatly weakened, the US will not withdraw from their actions against terrorism.

  • US safer 10 years after 9/11, but at what cost?

    2011-09-07 13:53

    Ten years after the September 11 attacks of 2001, the US has altered the balance between freedom and security, turning an open and casual society into an ever-vigilant one.

  • Rice: 9/11 showed threats come from failed states

    2011-09-06 16:34

    Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said a key lesson of the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks is that the greatest threats to the US can come from “failed states” that cannot control their territory.

  • US safer but not safe enough after 9/11

    2011-09-06 11:11

    The United States is safer, but not safe enough.

  • Another 9/11 attack 'impossible': EU official

    2011-09-06 10:32

    Terrorist attacks similar to those that struck New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, are "probably no longer possible," European Union (EU) counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove said on Monday.

  • A decade later, a look at 9/11's legacy

    2011-09-02 17:11

    For every person killed on September 11, another 73 have been killed since. Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are dead, but Iraq and Afghanistan are far from stable democracies.
