World / FOCAC

China issues new Africa policy paper

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-12-05 00:42

JOHANNESBURG -- The Chinese government issued an Africa policy paper Friday, the second of its kind since 2006, as Chinese President Xi Jinping and African leaders gathered here for a summit of the Forum on China-African Cooperation (FOCAC).

The release of the policy paper was "to further clarify China's determination and goodwill to develop friendly and cooperative relations with Africa," and expound China's new vision, approach and measures concerning China-Africa cooperation, according to the paper.

The paper, divided into five parts, illustrated China's relations with Africa, principles of China's African policy, China's all-round cooperation with Africa, FOCAC and its follow-up actions, as well as China's relations with African regional organizations.

In 2006, the Chinese government proposed a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership featuring political equality and mutual trust, economic win-win cooperation, and cultural exchange.

In the past decade, China and Africa jointly implemented a series of major measures to deepen cooperation, which has greatly promoted the rapid development of their friendly and cooperative ties across the board, according to the paper.

The document added that China has been Africa's largest trading partner since 2009. In 2014, China's trade with Africa rose to four times that of the year 2006.

People-to-people and cultural exchanges have flourished, as the two sides witnesses visits of nearly 3 million people every year.

At the opening ceremony of the Johannesburg summit, the second of its kind under the 15-year-old framework of the FOCAC, Xi proposed that China and Africa lift their relationship to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and join hands to open a new era of win-win cooperation and common development.

Xi said that after 30 years of reform and opening-up, China is now in the position to help Africa realize sustainable self-development with technology, equipment, skillful professionals and capital.

"In particular, China has the strong political commitment to supporting Africa in achieving development and prosperity," the Chinese president said.

According to the policy paper, China will promote all-round cooperation with Africa with various measures, including enhancing political mutual trust, improving coordination in international affairs, deepening economic and trade ties, and expanding people-to-people exchanges.

"The development strategies of China and Africa are highly compatible. Given their respective strengths, China and Africa need each other for cooperation and development," the paper said.

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