World / Investigations

Dutch to begin assembling MH17 wreckage

[2014-12-10 09:10]

Crash investigators will try to reconstruct the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 that was shot down over eastern Ukraine in July from wreckage that was brought to a Dutch air force hangar.

Dutch FM apologizes for revealing MH17 passenger with oxygen mask

[2014-10-10 09:30]

Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans on Thursday apologized for remarks in a talk show on Wednesday in which he declared that a victim of the MH17 in eastern Ukraine was found with an oxygen mask.

External force causes MH17 crash: Dutch investigators

[2014-09-09 17:22]

High-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside cause the MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine, the Dutch Safety Board investigating the disaster says in its first preliminary report.

Russia demands publication of recordings from MH17

[2014-08-30 18:01]

Russia is demanding to know why international investigators have yet to publish the black box data from a Malaysian airliner that was shot down over eastern Ukraine in July.

Malaysian personnel allowed at MH17 crash site

[2014-08-13 21:36]

The Ukraine Parliament on Tuesday ratified a bilateral agreement, which allowed up to 90 Malaysian non-military personnel to be deployed at the MH17 crash site.

Malaysian official: Impossible that MH17 shot down by missile

[2014-08-09 18:08]

Malaysian Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said Saturday that it was impossible that an air-to-air missile was used to take down the MH17 flight.

Death toll mounts in Ukraine, MH17 investigation continues

[2014-08-04 07:34]

Brutal fighting between government forces and rebels continued to take a deadly toll on civilians in east Ukraine on Sunday, as international experts once more combed woods and fields at the crash site of the downed Flight MH17.

Malaysia PM to discuss access to MH-17 crash site with Dutch PM

[2014-07-26 17:35]

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Saturday he would meet Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte next week to discuss how to secure full access for investigators to the site in Ukraine where a Malaysian airliner was downed.

Kiwi police to help identify MH17 crash victims

[2014-07-24 11:21]

Three New Zealand police specialists in identifying disaster victims are to join international efforts to identify all 298 victims of crashed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

MH17 black boxes arrive in Britain

[2014-07-23 19:02]

Two black boxes taken from the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 have arrived in Britain for analysis, Ukraine's government investigation commission said Wednesday.

MH17 black boxes to be analyzed in Britain

[2014-07-23 15:09]

The black boxes from the crashed flight MH17 have been handed over to Dutch investigators in Ukraine, and will later be sent to Britain for forensic analysis.

Plane crash bodies removed from war zone

[2014-07-23 10:48]

A train bearing the dead from the downed Malaysian airliner finally reached Ukrainian government-held territory Tuesday.

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