World / Investigations

Rebels likely downed jet 'by mistake'

[2014-07-23 07:13]

US intelligence officials said on Tuesday they believe pro-Russian separatists likely shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 "by mistake."

Remains of MH17 victims to arrive in Netherlands on Wednesday

[2014-07-22 20:06]

The train with bodies from the disaster area entered Kharkov on Tuesday morning, and preparations are currently going on for the first flight to the Netherlands.

MH370 search head to lead Australian probe of MH17

[2014-07-22 07:35]

The former Australian defense force official who led the international search for the wreckage of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 arrived in Kiev on Monday to lead a 45-member team of inspectors at the MH17 crash site.

Rebels hand black boxes to Malaysia experts

[2014-07-22 06:52]

A senior separatist leader, Aleksander Borodai, handed over black boxes from an airliner downed over eastern Ukraine to Malaysian experts in the city of Donetsk in the early hours of Tuesday.

Bodies, black boxes handed over from Ukraine crash site

[2014-07-22 06:52]

A senior separatist leader, Aleksander Borodai, handed over black boxes from an airliner downed over eastern Ukraine to Malaysian experts in the city of Donetsk in the early hours of Tuesday.

China urges fair probe of plane crash

[2014-07-22 06:38]

Beijing welcomes the just passed UN resolution on the recent crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine.

MH17 diverts route after passing Donetsk: Russian DM

[2014-07-21 21:35]

The crashed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 had strayed 14 km north from its planned route after passing Ukraine's eastern city of Donetsk.

272 bodies recovered from MH17 crash site

[2014-07-21 19:13]

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk said on Monday that rescuers have recovered 272 bodies from the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

Int'l investigation team on MH17 incident formed: Malaysia

[2014-07-21 09:06]

Malaysia has announced the establishment of a joint investigation team on the MH17 incident, which comprises officials from the Netherlands, Malaysia, Britain and the United States.

Bodies evacuated from crash site of Malaysian plane to Donetsk

[2014-07-20 20:58]

Some 198 bodies recovered from the Malaysian airliner crash site have been loaded onto refrigerated train carriages bound for a city in eastern Ukraine.

Black boxes of MH17 under 'control': rebels

[2014-07-20 19:28]

A separatist leader said they were keeping what they presumed were black boxes from MH17 in Donetsk, but they would need experts to confirm it.Special

Malaysian FM to leave for Ukraine after plane crash

[2014-07-20 17:10]

A government team led by Malaysian Foreign Affairs Minister Anifah Aman will be departing for Ukraine.