Japan park issues feeding tips after deer nibble tourists
China Daily | Updated: 2018-04-04 09:38
TOKYO - Faced with a growing number of injuries from deer bites, authorities in Japan's Nara Park have issued tips on feeding the hundreds of animals that attract tourists from around the world.
The park in Japan's capital is home to more than 1,000 deer, which can be found roaming the streets in search of special crackers offered by tourists.
But their cute and calm demeanor can be deceptive and tourists sometimes find themselves surrounded by aggressive animals when they try to feed them.
So authorities have erected a sign written in Chinese, English and Japanese entitled: "A polite request from the deer when feeding them" at the stalls where crackers are sold.
Small children should be accompanied by adults and "deer sign language" should be employed, showing both hands to the animals when feeding time is over.
"As they are wild animals, they get angry if people tease them," Nara official Yuichiro Kitabata said.
"For example, if you keep them waiting when feeding, they can bite you, ...but not all tourists know they are wild, believing they are kept in the park."
The park, which also includes temples and shrines, welcomes about 13 million visitors annually.
But with a rise in tourists, the number of those injured by deer surged to a record 180 in the last year from 118 the previous year, according to Kitabata.
The deer at the park - numbering about 1,200 - are protected as a national treasure.