Int'l forum spotlights future digital life, music and more | Updated: 2019-05-15 11:23

Apart from these broader questions, the attendees will also touch on the latest trends in various creative industries, as well as how technology is disrupting future economies, new emerging orders and the music industry.
For the evenings of both days, Europe's biggest music platform Reeperbahn Festival will serve up musical feasts at the Danish Cultural Center in the capital's art hub, the 798 Art Zone. It will also provide opportunities for Chinese bands to connect with international music industry professionals.
The event is co-organized by the Reeperbahn Festival (supported by the German Federal Foreign Office), FakeMusicMedia, the UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, the Danish Cultural Center and the Austrian Cultural Forum.
If you go:
10 am- 5 pm, May 18; 10:30 am - 4 pm, May 19. Auditorium of Ullens Center of Contemporary Art, 798 Art Zone, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang district. 朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区 UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心
Danish Cultural Center, 706 Beiyi Jie, 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, 798 Art Zone. 朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区706北一街 丹麦文化中心
260 yuan for one day; 420 yuan for two days (Including conferences and concerts) Book here.