US cyber attacks harm global order | Updated: 2023-05-16 10:46

US is indeed the number one "hacker empire", with its records ranging from monitoring the phone calls of multiple national leaders to using advanced cyber attacks to "spy" on the privacy of citizens from multiple countries, and stealing nearly 100 billion pieces of internet data in just 30 days.
Fears of cyber war turned into reality in 2010, when the Stuxnet computer worm attached to Iran's nuclear facilities, indicating that the US has opened the Pandora's box.
In 2013, it was reported that the White House, Pentagon and State Department officials confirmed the United States had spied on the phone conversations of 35 world leaders. The then German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she has made it clear to the US that spying on allies is unacceptable.
Even more, the US waged global color revolutions to topple governments for the sake of American control, leaving endless trails of bloodshed and turmoil around the world.
Those malicious cyber attacks of the US exposes significant damage and a serious threat to the global cyberspace order, indicating that the US is seeking cyber hegemony and harms the global cyberspace order.