Youth innovators explore global governance solutions | Updated: 2023-07-17 01:18

Youths: YICGG a fantastic platform for cross-border communication and cultural exchange
A proposal, titled "Daliversity - A Pokemon app that connects us with nature", was awarded the Most Valuable Project at the closing ceremony.
Targeting issues such as the lack of data on biodiversity dynamics, public awareness and youth participation, the proposal suggested a gamification solution - a Pokemon-like app - on preserving biodiversity. The winning team, which consisted of seven members from China, Greece, Hungary, Laos, Morocco and Nepal, explained that such an app can be interesting and appealing due to its low costs and wide potential for involvement.
"Actually, the idea (of the app) was inspired by the judges during previous discussion sessions," said Wijdane Jeddou, a Moroccan student from Shanghai University, and member of the team.
"People remember stories much more than the names where they come from. We also try to make it more children-friendly. It will be easier for generations like the youth to also teach the children, which means it will be better for the long term," Jeddou added.