British scholar: China's remarkable economic growth defies misleading US claims | Updated: 2023-09-06 11:06

Compelling data reveals that China has outpaced every other major economy by significant margins, despite the ongoing campaign of false propaganda by the US, said John Ross, a prominent economist, in a commentary published in the Global Times on Sept 5.
Over the last four years, China's economy has surged, growing more than two and a half times faster than that of the US. It has also outpaced other leading economies, expanding four times faster than Canada, 13 times faster than Italy, 15 times faster than France, 24 times faster than Japan, 38 times faster than Germany, and 64 times faster than the UK.
When measured by per capita GDP growth, China's outperformance becomes even more pronounced. The commentary highlighted that even compared to the fastest-growing economies, China stands out with an annual per capita GDP increase of 4.4 percent compared to India's 2.5 percent and the US' 1.3 percent.
Instead of acknowledging these undeniable facts, the US has embarked on a systematic campaign aimed at denying reality, driven by the fear that recognizing China's superior economic performance would underline the advantages that socialism has over capitalism.
Among the highest echelons of US leadership, there is an alarming disconnect from reality. President Biden, for example, recently claimed that China's economic growth was "around 2 percent" when it was 5.5 percent in the first half of this year. He even likened China's economy to a "ticking time bomb", conveniently ignoring the fact that it was the US that suffered two of its three biggest bank collapses this year, not China.
In tandem with misleading statements by political figures, US media have been complicit in spreading rumors and fake news about China. This distortion campaign serves as the dual purpose of deterring foreign companies from investing in China and slowing down China's progress toward its 2035 goals.
Despite China's outstanding economic performance, however, it is crucial to remain vigilant. The US is actively engaged in an international campaign of disinformation aimed at undermining China's achievements. Furthermore, the sluggish growth of Western economies poses challenges for China, as a lackluster global economic environment necessitates a heavier reliance on increasing domestic demand to meet its 2035 objectives.
In conclusion, the data speaks for itself: China's economic growth has outstripped that of Western economies by a substantial margin.