Weight weighs heavily on health system
China Daily | Updated: 2025-03-17 06:54

Over the years, the overweight and obesity rate among Chinese people has been on the rise. In 2018, the overweight and obesity rate among residents aged 18 and above had already reached 50.7 percent. If not effectively curbed, this proportion is expected to rise to 70.5 percent by 2030.
Obesity not only affects personal appearance and work efficiency but may also lead to psychological issues such as depression. It is also a key trigger for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and even some cancers, which are currently the most significant risk factors and health threats to Chinese residents.
Given the large population base, the prevalence of overweight and obesity poses challenges to healthcare resources. In a sense, weight management is both a personal and a national issue.
It is worth noting that the Healthy China Initiative (2019-30), released by the State Council in 2019, explicitly identified maintaining a healthy weight as a key indicator. Last year, the National Health Commission and multiple other departments launched the "Weight Management Year" initiative, aiming to foster a societal emphasis over the next three years on weight management, healthy eating, and active participation in physical exercise.
It is important to emphasize that weight management is not merely about weight loss but also about scientific management, aiming to improve the overall health of the population and reduce the risk of chronic diseases caused by abnormal weight.
Weight management represents a lifestyle transformation that affects millions of households, requiring the participation and active engagement of the whole of society. Whether it is the construction of health trails in parks, the establishment of weight management clinics in hospitals, community health education campaigns, or the improvement of healthy food options in cafeterias, all are essential components. Creating a supportive environment for weight management and promoting the widespread adoption of healthy lifestyles will provide more favorable conditions for the prevention and control of chronic diseases in China.