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Beijing earns 363b yuan from tourism in 2012

Beijing's tourism authority said the city earned more than 360 billion yuan ($57.9 billion) from tourism business in 2012, the Beijing Times reported on Wednesday.

China's vehicle exports top 1-million mark for first time

China's vehicle exports topped the one-million mark for the first time in 2012.

2012 a year of achievement for tech park

The State Council agrees to adjust the size and layout of the Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone, expanding it from 10 parks to 16 to enhance its innovative capacity.

Zhongguancun innovators recognized

A series of top 10 lists were unveiled on Jan 16 to award leading companies, entrepreneurs and technologies in Beijing's national high-tech hub Zhongguancun for accomplishments made over the last year.

Beijing housing prices drop 7.6% in 2012

Beijing has seen an increase in the number of residential apartments sold in the city and witnessed a drop in prices for newly built homes in 2012.

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