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Rental car quota won't aid electric cars sales

Beijing Commission of Transport issued the Measures for Allocation of Rental Car Quota in Beijing on July 22. The Allocation Measures comes into immediate effect upon the issuance.

Chinese buyers pay more for Audi, BMW, Mercedes

Luxury carmakers including Audi, BMW and Mercedes have witnessed rapidly growing sales on the Chinese mainland, and unreasonable premium prices.

Beijing banks cancel discount mortgages

Commercial banks in Beijing have apparently stopped providing discounts for mortgage loans, with some even hiking mortgage rates by 20 percent on top of the benchmark interest rate, sources said.

They've got your number

Models show handy holders at the Macworld iWorld Asia 2013, which is a display platform for Apple peripheral products and accessories.

Chengdu Motor Show 2013 to kick off next week

The Chengdu Motor Show 2013 will open from Aug 30 to Sept 8 at Chengdu’s Century City New International Convention & Exhibition Center, according to the organizing committee.

China continues polysilicon, wine trade probes

China is still proceeding with its anti-dumping and anti-subsidy probes into polysilicon and wine imports from the European Union, a trade official said on Wednesday.

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