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Orchard farmers stimulate Beijing's economy

Beijing orchard farmers are boosting the city's economy and job market by finding valuable uses for land under their trees, authorities say.

Beijing luxury property market rebounds in May

Sales of domestic upmarket properties seem immune to the tightening policies that aim to rein in rampant housing price hikes and deter speculation, as both transaction volumes and the sales prices of Beijing's luxury apartments soared in May from April.

Seafood businesses flounder amid cut in luxury spending

Piles of high-end seafood sat quietly in the small tanks of various vendors, during a visit to one of the largest aquatics markets in northern Beijing this week.

Distribution deal to top 55b yuan at Beijing Fair

A distribution industry meet-and-greet at this year’s Beijing Fair attracted more than 150 enterprises and organizations from roughly 40 countries.

Teamwork will boost quality of services

Partnerships and outsourcing must be promoted to improve the quality of services worldwide, said participants at a fair in Beijing on Wednesday.

Riding the e-commerce wave in China

China's e-commerce sector is emerging as a new growth engine to underpin the ongoing economic transformation, with a better-than-expected growth rate.

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