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Majority of white-collar workers have sleep problems

Almost 80 percent of Chinese white-collar workers have poor sleep quality, and 70 percent have a lackluster sexual life, a recent research project showed.

Smoking is the major cause of lung cancer: experts

More than 90 percent of lung cancers in Tianjin are caused by smoking and second-hand smoking.

That spinning feeling

Dizziness is often attributed to tiredness, but it can be the forebear of more serious illnesses, as Liu Zhihua finds out from a panel of experts.

Top leaders make AIDS vow

Top leaders on Friday pledged to prevent and control HIV/AIDS, with plans for treatment of the disease to be included in public health insurance.

3 more Beijing hospitals to cut medicine prices

Beijing has asked three more hospitals to remove their medicine markups, as the city continues its medical health reform that it began early this year.

Rising cancer rate leads to calls for smoking controls

The high rate of lung cancer in Beijing, which has increased dramatically over the past decade, shows the necessity for stricter control of smoking, experts said.

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