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Nutritionists warn against unhealthy diets

You are what you eat, and it is a nutritionist's job to ensure what his or her client puts into the body is healthy.

Culture Expo 2014

The 9th China Beijing International Culture & Creation Industry Expo (ICCIE) was held at the China International Exhibition Center, from Dec 11 to 14, in Beijing, with more than 100 activities, exhibitions, forums, summits, trade promotions, and creative events.

A French Doctor in Beijing

Two exhibitions marking the 50th anniversary of the Sino-French relationship kicked off at the Association des Amis de Nouvelles d'Europe in the French capital, Paris, on Sept 8.

Grape Conference

The 11th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics kicked off at the foot of the Great Wall in Beijing's Yanqing county on July 29, and will last until Aug 2.

Steps urged to reduce tainted food

Scientists say govt could cut waste by $13.6 billion a yearChina must act to combat toxic funguses that destroy grain harvests, and the situation is "an invisible threat" to human health worldwide, experts said.

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