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Beijing plans to provide more first-aid stations

Beijing will be adding 20 of their “999” first-aid stations by the end of the year, bringing the total to 150.

Beijing police raid fake medicine workshops

Beijing police have raided nine illegal workshops selling fake medicine and seized more than 700,000 fake pills since July.

Bad lifestyles blamed for rise in heart diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are the biggest killer of Chinese people, accounting for more than 41 percent of deaths among all diseases, a newly released report shows.

Dating ideas for Qixi

Qixi, also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, falls on August 13 this year. Let's find out the way to have a special Qixi.

Hospital uses 3D printed orthopedic implants

Using a printer to produce lifesaving medical implants and body parts might sound like science fiction, but it is already a reality in China.

Walking for a healthy living

There was a hiking carnival, in Beijing’s Chaoyang district, on Sunday, the first of its kind in the capital, with more than 4,000 dedicated hikers gathering in the Olympic Forest Park.

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