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  • Innovation, services to drive future growth

    2013-09-17 14:21

    "We are definitely confident in the Chinese economy...We are adding more people, we are thinking of opening more offices," said Johnson Chng.

  • China's reform linked to entire world

    2013-09-13 09:56

    People will see qualitative and quantitative changes occurring simultaneously in the coastal and inland regions due to the new round reform and opening-up.

  • China's growth to drive global economy: Brown

    2013-09-14 13:44

    Former UK PM Gordon Brown said that China's degree of success will determine global growth, and determine whether the 21st century would be the Asian century.

  • China's commitment to growth will drive global economy

    2013-09-17 09:03

    The challenges that China's new leadership faces in pushing for rising levels of innovation, entrepreneurship and skills will be the main discussion points this week at the New Champions summit in Dalian.

  • Larger market role urged to boost consumption

    2013-09-13 09:37

    China needs less government intervention and should rely more on the invisible hand to boost consumption, economists and business representatives proposed.

  • US moves against China firms criticized

    2013-09-13 02:36

    A decision to block Sany's involvement in a wind farm project blurred the US attitude toward Chinese investment, a top banker said.

  • New growth foundation

    2013-09-12 07:34

    China is embracing sustainable growth with enviable determination, and Premier Li made it clear at that the government will forge ahead with its reform.

  • Economic watch: Davos special (I) (II)

    2013-09-12 16:20

    Premier Li used the unique platform of the Summer Davos Forum to address three major issues on China's role in the global economy: growth, innovation and global governance.

  • The vessel of China's economy will break waves

    2013-09-12 15:15

    In his key note speech, Prime Minister Li used the unique platform of the Summer Davos Forum to address three major issues on China's role in the global economy: growth, innovation and global governance.

  • Chinese leaders stress reform balancing act

    2013-09-12 14:01

    High-profile speeches by Chinese leaders have refuted claims of a derailing of growth in the world's second-largest economy.

  • Growth range leaves leeway for reforms

    2013-09-12 09:28

    Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's emphasis on "reasonable range" growth underscored the government's resolve to push forward reforms and balance growth speed and quality.

  • Can innovation be solution to all?

    2013-09-12 09:27

    Knowing the importance of innovation is not enough, knowing how to implement innovation driven development strategy is the key to success.

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