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China Daily Website

  • China's reform linked to entire world

    2013-09-13 09:56

    People will see qualitative and quantitative changes occurring simultaneously in the coastal and inland regions due to the new round reform and opening-up.

  • China to be the world's largest solar power

    2013-09-12 07:53

    China is to overtake Germany to become the world's largest solar power generating country this year, said Zhang Xiaoqiang, deputy director of the NDRC.

  • China faces shift to sustainable growth

    2013-06-25 16:50

    China's leaders seem to be bracing for painful therapy in return for sustainable growth, as they are determined to tame liquidity risks.

  • China: Sustaining growth amid challenges

    2013-03-28 09:21

    After years of heady growth, China now faces critical challenges on multiple fronts. For Chinese policymakers - sustainability is now the name of the game.

  • China should follow sustainable urbanization path

    2013-09-07 16:25

    With massive city construction and rising urbanization rate over the past decades, the Chinese government should focus more on a human-oriented and sustainable path, experts say.

  • Sustaining high growth

    2013-04-02 13:57

    After six years of weighing the options, China is now firmly committed to implementing a new growth strategy.

  • Sustainable consumption growth

    2013-03-29 22:11

    To solve the problem of lackluster market demand, we should strictly check high-end consumption using public funds, and provide more welfare to the public to promote consumption.

  • The choice is sustainable development

    2013-03-26 15:17

    "In a decade or two, there is reason to believe China will build up a modern economy, shifting from an economic giant to an economic power."

  • Bursting with sustainable energy

    2013-03-26 08:01

    A reliable energy supply is key for an emerging economy like South Africa and there are a number of companies and organizations ensuring businesses, homes, industries, and public buildings are therefore being given the power to thrive.

  • Sticking up for sustainability

    2013-07-25 01:00

    Liyuan Library integrates architecture into the natural landscape using traditional Chinese architectural concepts.

  • Sustainable urbanization

    2013-06-19 07:55

    China needs to establish platforms for exchanges and cooperation with Germany and other countries to build a new type of urbanization.

  • On course for sustainable growth

    2013-09-10 07:19

    Five years on from the start of the financial crisis, many countries now face new challenges as the world economy slowly recovers.

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