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China Daily Website

  • China CNR 2010 net profits surge 45%

    2011-04-08 15:02

    China CNR Corp, the nation's second largest train maker, reported Friday that its net profits surged 45.12 percent year-on-year to 1.91 billion yuan ($291 million) in 2010.

  • Steel company profits up 52% in 2010

    2011-04-07 15:08

    The China Iron and Steel Association's (CISA) 77 member companies in 2010 made a total of 89.7 billion yuan ($13.7 billion) in profits, with an average profit margin of 2.9 percent.

  • Macao's resident deposits down 2.4% in February

    2011-04-07 17:04

    Macao's resident deposits in February decreased by 2.4 percent from the previous month to be equivalent of 244.6 billion patacas ($30.6 billion).

  • HSBC PMI hits 27-month low point

    2011-04-07 11:21

    The HSBC Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for the Chinese services sector edged down to a 27-month low in March as rising costs, especially salaries, limited the expansion of business activity.

  • March home appliance sales jumps 179%

    2011-04-06 16:54

    Sales revenue of home appliances in rural China last month surged 179 percent year-on-year to 34.48 billion yuan ($5.3 billion), boosted by a nationwide subsidy program for rural consumers, official data showed Wednesday.

  • Hong Kong property sales up 9% in March

    2011-04-05 11:20

    Hong Kong Land Registry Monday announced that the number of sale and purchase agreements for all building units received for registration in March was 13,501, up 8.9 percent on February and 6.3 percent on March last year.

  • March PMI of non-manufacturing sector rebounds

    2011-04-04 13:53

    The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) of China's non-manufacturing sector rose to 60.2 percent in March, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) said Sunday.

  • Qingdao port sees throughput up 13% in Q1

    2011-04-02 16:20

    Qingdao Port, China's second-largest port in terms of foreign trade, saw its cargo throughput up 13.2 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2011, the port's chairman said Saturday.

  • Macao's March gaming revenues exceed $2.5b

    2011-04-02 09:34

    The total revenues of Macao's gaming sector for March amounted to a record high of 20.08 billion patacas ($2.51 billion), rising by 1.1 percent over the previous month, according to official figures released on Friday.

  • Cross-border renminbi trade increases

    2011-04-02 09:31

    China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange said Friday that the country saw a rapid growth in cross-border renminbi trade settlements last year as more Chinese and foreign-funded companies chose to pay and be paid in renminbi, the Chinese currency.

  • China manufacturing PMI remains flat: HSBC

    2011-04-01 17:39

    The China manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), an indicator of the economic performance of the manufacturing sector, remained almost flat at 51.8 in March from 51.7 in February, according to a report released by the HSBC Friday.

  • Hong Kong posts HK$9.5b of deficit in Feb

    2011-04-01 13:17

    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Regional Government recorded a deficit of HK$9.5 billion ($1.2 billion) in February, but posted a surplus of HK$84.3 billion in the 11 months ending on Feb 28, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau said Thursday in a statement.
