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Made in China 2025 is fair to all: Congress spokesman

By Wang Yanfei | Updated: 2017-10-17 21:10

China's Made in China 2025 strategy treats domestic and foreign companies equally, said the spokesman of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Tuesday.

Tuo Zhen, responding to concerns that the strategy seems partial to Chinese companies, said one basic rule of the Made in China 2025 strategy is to ensure market-based principles.

The Made in China 2025 strategy is an initiative aimed at upgrading the economy into areas such as intelligent manufacturing and robotics.

He said related polices apply to all domestic and foreign companies alike.

"China has always been aiming at achieving win-win results, and has implemented the strategy under bilateral and multilateral mechanisms," he said.

He added that China will continue to make efforts to create a fair and favorable business environment for all.

"What should be of concern are some restrictions imposed by developed countries on Chinese exports," he said.

"We hope all parties will work together to promote opening up, deepen cooperation, and accelerate the industrial upgrading process."

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