CHINA> Regional
A dull show by Rebiya Kadeer in film festival
Updated: 2009-08-10 11:04

Freelance writer Linda told Xinhua while walking out of the hall that it was a poorly shot documentary among the nearly 200 films that were screened at the annual international festival in Melbourne.

She said she was here simply because issues concerning Xinjiang were hyped up recently in Australia by some media.

That did not mean she agreed with what Kadeer's biopic said, she added.

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During the question-and-answer session, Kadeer was at one point stumped for words in response to a question about the July 5 violence.

A man from the audience who called himself David challenged Kadeer's assertion that she is an advocate of non-violence.

"I have stayed in China for three years... Personally I think China's ethnic policies do create opportunities for the people of all ethnic minorities in China," David said, adding that Kadeer was herself one of the beneficiaries.

He noted that the casualties of Han Chinese in the July 5 riot were much higher than those of Uygurs. How come the Chinese government suppressed ethnic minorities?

The question left Kadeer and the director speechless with embarrassment. After all, lies will collapse of themselves.

Kadeer is leader of the World Uygur Congress which is believed to be behind the deadly July 5 rioting in Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Seven Chinese films have been withdrawn from the 58th Melbourne International Film Festival in protest at the screening of Kadeer's biopic. The directors of the Chinese films have expressed strong condemnation against the festival's invitation of Kadeer.

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