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  • Trans-Pacific Partnership is biased towards US

    2011-11-13 13:45

    Australian Greens deputy leader Christine Milne on Sunday said the recently announced Trans- Pacific Partnership (TPP) is biased towards the United States.

  • China-ASEAN Free Trade Area benefits both sides

    2011-11-13 10:23

    Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming has said that China-ASEAN Free Trade Area accords with the mutual interests of China and ten nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

  • China in APEC: a mutually beneficial endeavor

    2011-11-12 10:39

    China has played an active and constructive role in promoting the APEC goals on reducing trade barriers and achieving regional integration.

  • Experts show faith in China's innovations

    2011-11-12 07:58

    When the author Rebecca Fannin talked three years ago about her book Silicon Dragon: How China Is Winning the Tech Race, she became the object of criticism from some in her audience.

  • APEC members benefit from trade liberalization

    2011-11-11 16:45

    Efforts made by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum to further liberalize trade and investment benefit all member economies and contribute to strengthening the global economy.

  • APEC to provide world with new pathway

    2011-11-11 10:06

    APEC economies were the bright spots that could lead the world out of its current economic malaise, according to head of a business facilitation group.

  • APEC urged to create new growth drivers

    2011-11-10 14:29

    The United States and other APEC economies should think in a bold and creative way to advance trade liberalization, tourism and investments.

  • APEC must tell Europe to act

    2011-11-10 09:31

    Australian federal Treasurer Wayne Swan on Thursday called on Asia-Pacific region leaders to form a united voice to urge Europe address its financial crisis quickly.

  • US funding cutoff sets a bad example

    2011-11-04 08:06

    The US government's announcement that it will cut off its funding to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), following the agency's admission of Palestine as a full member.

  • Housing policy unwavering

    2011-11-07 07:52

    At a time when nationwide housing prices have failed to rise appreciably, any signs of monetary relaxing is likely to give desperate developers renewed hopes of maintaining their current prices.

  • Patent protection promotes progress

    2011-11-07 07:52

    If the ancient Chinese had established an IPR system and registered the patents for gunpowder, the compass, typography and paper making, China would have made a fortune in royalty fees.

  • How to deal with West's debt

    2011-11-04 08:06

    As Europe's economy remains on the brink, the idea of a "debt brake" is one of the most important policy tools to get fiscal policy under control.

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