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  • Hu visits Mozart residence in Austria

    2011-11-02 09:14

    Chinese President Hu Jintao continued his state visit to Austria Tuesday and toured Mozart's residence in Salzburg.

  • President Hu tours farm near Salzburg

    2011-11-01 19:05

    President Hu Jintao continued his state visit to Austria Tuesday and toured a farm near the city of Salzburg.

  • Austria seeks trained language teachers

    2011-11-01 07:54

    Austrian universities have begun a training program for students who will become teachers of Chinese in high schools where the language is an optional course.

  • Hu's visit to Austria to boost bilateral ties

    2011-10-29 14:19

    Chinese President Hu Jintao's upcoming visit to Austria will push the development of China-Austria relations to a new and higher level, Chinese ambassador to Austria Shi Mingde said.

  • Visit promises a plethora of deals covering trade, education

    2011-10-31 06:50

    Chinese enterprises see Austria as land of opportunity, as trade with the country is increasing at a fast clip despite the global economic slowdown.

  • Program helps students learn and grow together

    2011-10-31 06:50

    A recent survey of 3,000 urban residents in six Chinese cities showed people think much more favorably about EU countries than the United States or Japan.

  • Chinese tourists flock to Europe's capital of music

    2011-10-31 06:51

    Shao Yu became fascinated by Austria when she was a little girl after hearing melodies echo in the Musikverein Golden Hall during a television broadcast of Vienna's New Year Concert.

  • Hu leaves for Austria, to attend G20 summit

    2011-10-30 16:41

    Chinese President Hu Jintao left Beijing Sunday afternoon to pay a state visit to Austria and attend the sixth Group of Twenty (G20) summit, which is scheduled to be held in the southern French city of Cannes from Nov. 3 to 4.

  • China eyes enhanced co-op with Austria

    2011-10-28 22:05

    China aims to further enhance understanding and cooperation with Austria during President Hu Jintao's upcoming visit, Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying told a press briefing on Friday.

  • Austrian chancellor concludes China visit

    2011-05-07 16:35

    Austrian Federal Chancellor Werner Faymann concluded his official visit to China and left Beijing Saturday morning.

  • Sino-Austrian bilateral trade to double

    2011-05-06 07:53

    Austria and China - the country's biggest trading partner outside the European Union - are expected to double bilateral trade volume within five years and strengthen cooperation in the new resources and high-tech sectors.

  • Taking a spin the Austrian way

    2011-05-24 13:55

    Residents step up to take free waltzing lessons from visiting duo

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