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New rules to prevent academic misconduct

New rules to prevent academic misconduct

Updated: 2012-03-15 01:13


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BEIJING - China's Ministry of Education on Wednesday issued new rules to supervise universities' scientific research and academic activities in order to "effectively prevent and curb academic misconduct."

A statement on the ministry's website said academic misconduct in higher educational institutions in recent years had drawn widespread attention, especially those incidents involving academics, awarded scholars and university leaders, the investigation of which lack standardized procedures.

The ministry has decided to launch a campaign to tighten up regulation of schools during the country's 12th five-year plan period (2011-2015), and promulgated relevant rules.

According to the rules, schools are required to build systems inspecting original experiment data, publicizing academic achievement, handing in research materials before graduation or leaving posts, among other rules to boost the transparency of academic management.

Universities should set up bodies and working mechanisms to curb academic misconduct, release related annual work reports, arrange scientific ethics lectures and training for students and teachers, according to the rules.

The statement warns that efforts must be made to prevent overemphasizing "the link between academic achievement and material reward and promotion."

The statement also said that "an expert panel of no less than five members formed by university authorities" should be in charge of investigating academic misconduct occurring in the same universities.

The investigative process should be "strictly kept secret" but the result should be open to the parties involved, it said.

Punishment includes cancellation of project applications, delay of promotion, dismissal or legal action, it said.