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China Daily Website

China strongly condemns mass killing in Syria

Updated: 2012-07-14 20:47
( Xinhua)

BEIJING - A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Saturday strongly condemned the recent attacks in the Syrian village of Tremseh in the province of Hama, which reportedly resulted in over 200 deaths.

Spokesman Liu Weimin said in a statement that China strongly condemns the killing of innocent civilians. China hopes that a thorough investigation into the killings will be launched and those responsible for the abuses will be duly punished, he said.

The political solution to the Syrian issue is currently at a crucial moment, said Liu.

"We once again urge Syrian parties concerned to take substantial measures to cease all acts of violence, protect civilians and fully implement Annan's six-point proposal, the communique of the foreign ministers' meeting of the Action Group on the Syrian issue and relevant UN Security Council resolutions," he said in the statement.
