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China Daily Website

Bogu Kailai sentenced to death with reprieve

Updated: 2012-08-20 12:54
( Xinhua)


Details of intentional homicide trial of Bogu Kailai, Zhang Xiaojun released

The attention-grabbing intentional homicide trial of Bogu Kailai and Zhang Xiaojun opened on Thursday in East China's Anhui province.

All seats in the courtroom of the Hefei City Intermediate People's Court in Anhui were occupied when the trial began. Full Story

Bogu Kailai stands trial for intentional homicide

The intentional homicide trial of Bogu Kailai, wife of Bo Xilai, former Party chief of Chongqing, and Zhang Xiaojun began on Thursday in the Hefei City Intermediate People's Court in Anhui province.

The People's Procuratorate of Hefei, capital of Anhui, filed the charges against the two in the court on July 26. Full Story

Bogu Kailai, Zhang Xiaojun charged with intentional homicide

Bogu Kailai and Zhang Xiaojun were recently charged with intentional homicide by the Hefei Municipal Procuratorate in Anhui province, Xinhua learned from authorities Thursday.

The municipal prosecuting body filed the charges with the Hefei Municipal Intermediate People's Court. Full Story

Bo's probe applauded as demonstration of transparency, resolution

An investigation into ex-senior official Bo Xilai over discipline violations has demonstrated the Communist Party of China's resolution and transparency in self-discipline, officials, scholars and netizens have said. Full Story

Rule of law highlighted in handling Bo's case

Chinese central authorities' decision to investigate Bo Xilai's serious discipline violations has won wide support for safeguarding the rule of law as well as the purity of the Party. Full Story

People's Daily calls for stability after Bo's case

A commentary to be published Thursday by the People's Daily calls for maintaining reform, development and stability after China's leadership announced a decision Tuesday to investigate Bo Xilai for serious violations of discipline.Full Story

Chinese voice support for decision on Bo's case

China's top leadership's decision to investigate Bo Xilai's serious discipline violations has won support from ordinary Chinese and grassroots officials.

People interviewed by Xinhua's local correspondents across the country agreed that the decision highlighted the essential principles of being strict with the Party disciplines and the rule of law, and it showed clear attitude and firm resolution to safeguard the Party disciplines and laws. Full Story

Bo gets suspended from key Party post

As Comrade Bo Xilai is suspected of being involved in serious discipline violations, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has decided to suspend his membership of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and the CPC Central Committee, in line with the CPC Constitution and the rules on investigation of CPC discipline inspection departments. Full Story

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