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China calls for more attention to social development

Updated: 2012-10-09 06:34
( Xinhua)

UNITED NATIONS - China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Wang Min Monday called on the UN to give greater attention to social development under the current world situation.

Wang's statement came as he addressed the Third Committee of the 67th session of the General Assembly.

"At present, the profound impacts of the international financial crisis and Euro debt crisis are far from being eradicated, and world economic growth is facing greater instability and more uncertainties, posing unprecedented challenges to the social development of all countries. China is of the view that given the current situation, the United Nations should pay greater attention to social development," he said.

The Third Committee of the General Assembly is in charge of the social, humanitarian and cultural affairs.

Wang called on countries to set employment expansion as a priority goal of their economic and social development, and implement development strategies and macro economic policies that are conducive to job growth.

"Vigorous efforts are needed to strengthen vocational training and continuously improve workers' overall qualifications and their productive capacity with particular attention paid to job-related guidance and service for young people," he said.

Better protection of vulnerable groups is the key to social development, Wang noted saying that countries should endeavor to reduce the impact of financial crisis on education, health, social security and social relief, strengthen their capacity to respond to crisis through enabling policies, enhance poverty alleviation and development, and promote social harmony.  

In addition, developed countries should show political will and take concrete actions to implement in earnest their official development assistance commitments to developing countries, and honor their commitments to transfer capital and technology to respond to climate change, Wang said.

"The Chinese government adheres to the concept of scientific development which is people-centered and envisages a comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development," he said. "As the biggest developing country in the world, China also tries its best to provide assistance to other developing countries."

"Social justice and equality, and a society for all represent the common goal of all countries in their social development. China is willing to work with other countries in building a harmonious world of common prosperity," Wang added.
