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  • Environment lottery idea sparks debate

    2012-03-15 07:25

    A legislator's proposal to establish an environmental protection lottery has caused controversy.

  • Brush up your English, governor advises officials 

    2012-03-14 21:45

    As China opens up further, there will be more frequent foreign activities and it is vital for leaders to get equipped with English skills to improve their international communications, Zhang Qingwei, governor of Hebei province, said on Wednesday.

  • Ex-tycoon death sentence based on facts: Wen

    2012-03-14 13:30

    China will handle the legal case involving ex-tycoon Wu Ying based on facts and carefully.

  • China says home price controls to continue

    2012-03-14 12:38

    China's premier Wen Jiabao says government controls imposed to cool surging housing prices will continue despite concerns they might lead to an economic slowdown.

  • Online shopping complaints top the list

    2012-03-14 12:07

    China now receives more complaints about online shopping than any other subject, and the number of complaints has risen sharply at a time of burgeoning online trade.

  • Calls to spend school funds wisely

    2012-03-14 08:30

    "Local governments should ensure education spending is properly allocated" this year, especially in rural and poor areas.

  • Red Cross goes public in hiring auditors

    2012-03-14 08:19

    The Red Cross Society of China is publicly soliciting bids for auditing services for the first time, in order to enhance openness and transparency.

  • Turning a disability into a benefit

    2012-03-14 08:18

    When Yang Jinglan lost her right arm in an accident at the age of 21, it was regarded as a serious handicap.

  • Adviser calls for more professional rest homes

    2012-03-14 08:10

    China should set up professional rest homes with rehabilitation functions for an ever-increasing number of elderly people.

  • Lawmakers request more trains to Tibet

    2012-03-13 22:07

    Tibetan deputies to China's National People's Congress (NPC), the parliament, have called for more train services on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway to cater for the increasing number of visitors to the plateau.

  • HK in need of more talents

    2012-03-13 20:05

    Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai, a Hong Kong deputy to the National People's Congress, pointed out that Hong Kong is in need of more talents.

  • Tougher penalties for gender testing

    2012-03-13 17:09

    To balance the country's gender ratio, China should impose harsher punishments for medical workers who conduct illegal gender tests, a deputy to the country's top legislature said on Tuesday.

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