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  • Guangdong to improve livelihoods

    2013-02-01 01:55

    Improving people's livelihoods, especially those in rural areas, will be a major task for the newly elected provincial government, said Zhu Xiaodan, governor of Guangdong.

  • Lou Qinjian elected governor of Shaanxi

    2013-01-31 20:57

    Lou Qinjian was elected governor of northwest China's Shaanxi Province Thursday at the first session of the 12th Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress, the local legislative body.

  • Jiang Daming re-elected governor of Shandong

    2013-01-31 19:59

    Jiang Daming was re-elected governor of east China's Shandong Province at the first session of the 12th Shandong Provincial People's Congress, the local legislative body.

  • More orphanages urged after fatal blaze

    2013-01-31 15:24

    A Guangdong legislator has called for more orphanages to be built, following a fire that claimed seven lives, including six children.

  • More aid needed for street children

    2013-01-30 21:34

    The Shanghai Women's Federation is calling for more efforts to address the issue of street children.

  • Sessions focus on officials' asset disclosures

    2013-01-30 13:30

    Calls for officials to make their assets known to the public are sounding louder at ongoing provincial parliamentary sessions.

  • Guizhou comes in from the cold

    2013-01-29 00:03

    Political advisers called for central heating systems to be installed in urban Guizhou province when they gathered for the annual sessions of provincial legislators.

  • Guangdong CPPCC member calls for more adoptions

    2013-01-28 20:23

    A member of the Guangdong committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference suggested individuals be encouraged to adopt orphans.

  • Shaanxi acting governor vows to raise incomes

    2013-01-28 17:29

    Deputies to Shaanxi provincial People's Congress have been told one of the main goals of the province in the next five years is to increase incomes of urban and rural people.

  • Guangdong requires officials disclose assets

    2013-01-28 17:19

    More officials in Guangdong province have been required to disclose their financial status as part of trials of a scheme combating corruption.

  • Education funding in Guangdong criticized

    2013-01-28 17:11

    Deputies of Guangdong's top legislature and members of the province's advisory body on Monday criticized the prosperous province for not investing sufficient money in educational resources.

  • Guangdong congress delegates voice spending hopes

    2013-01-28 17:07

    Some delegates to Guangdong provincial people's congress said they hope per capita government spending in the southern province can be raised to the national average.

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