
Amendments reflect CPC's resolve

By Deng Yuwen (China Daily)
Updated: 2012-11-15 08:09

The system to build socialism with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental institutional guarantee for the development and progress of China, and Scientific Outlook on Development is the theoretical guidance to action. The two are united in the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The amendments to the Party Constitution make it clear that only reform and opening-up can ensure the development of China, socialism and Marxism; it shows the Party's determination to deepen reform and strengthen its governing capacity. The amendments also make it clear that the Party will intensify its fight against corruption, and China will strengthen its cooperation with other countries and regions, and play an increasingly important role on the international stage.

The Party's resolve to build an ecological civilization and maintain its purity are of significant importance. Given the rising resource constraints, serious environmental pollution and ecological damage, we must foster the idea of ecological civilization and strive to build a beautiful China by following the path of sustainable development.

To move toward an era of socialist ecological civilization, we must adhere to the basic State policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment by being thrifty, adhering to a low-carbon development model, reversing the trend of ecological deterioration and contributing to global ecological security.

The inclusion of ecological civilization construction into the Party Constitution reflects the CPC's deepening understanding of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and will play an important role in maintaining harmony between nature and humans and promoting China's economic and social sustainable development.

No purity, no advancement. Only by maintaining its purity can the CPC represent the basic interests of the Chinese people. So it is very important for the CPC to maintain its purity, which will also help it in its long-term task of building itself.

The CPC has always attached great importance to self-construction and self-improvement. The five-yearly Party congress not only discusses how to manage State affairs, but also works out how to improve the Party-building process. The Party report says it has to maintain its purity and strengthen itself both ideologically and organizationally to combat corruption and uphold its integrity.

The Chinese society has entered an era of multiple thoughts and different interest pursuits. Reform and opening-up now face difficulties in some areas and social contradictions could come to the fore. Some Party members have begun to waver in their ideological beliefs. And the involvement of some high-level Party leaders in corruption has had a bad impact on the people.

The Party can maintain its purity by strengthening its self-purification, self-perfection, self-innovation and self-improvement capabilities. That maintaining the Party's purity is now part of its Constitution shows that the Party accords priority to building itself, remains rooted in the people and continues to work for establishing socialism with Chinese characteristics.

In short, the amendments to the Party Constitution highlights the lofty values and ideals of CPC members, and reflects the upgrade of the Party's governing philosophy and strength to march with the changing times.

The author is a senior editor with the Study Times.

(China Daily 11/15/2012 page10)

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