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China releases revised radio operation management rules

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-11-26 09:20

BEIJING - China on Friday publicized a revised regulation on managing radio operators that reduces red tape and brings harsher punishment for telecoms fraud.

The regulation was released in accordance with a decree signed earlier this month by Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, and Premier Li Keqiang.

The revision covers the management of radio frequencies, stations, transmission equipment and radio operations related to foreign affairs.

It streamlines administrative approval in radio and strengthens supervision, with a special focus on radio-related crimes such as telecoms fraud using illegal base stations.

Illegal base stations can cut communication between mobile phones and legal base stations to send disguised text messages. This can facilitate fraud and illegal advertising.

According to the revision, equipment involved in illegal radio activities will be confiscated, with stations shut down. Radio authorities should report any suspected crimes to police and cooperate with follow-up investigations.

"People setting up and using radio stations for fraud and other illegal activities should be pursued for criminal liabilities, and those involved in lesser crimes should be fined 200,000 (29,000 U.S. dollars) to 500,000 yuan in addition to the seizure of all equipment and illicit gains," it says.

Underlining the country's radio frequencies as "national rare resources" and a key factor in information development, the regulation notes that certified radio operators which have not used their designated frequencies for two years, or used them as required, will have their certificiation revoked and frequencies taken back.

While ordering operators to conduct maintenance for their radio stations on a regular basis, it also urges supervision authorities to carry out checks, and review the use of frequencies regularly.

Additionally, large buildings or facilities that can disrupt radio signals must not be built around satellite monitoring stations, airports or other places demanding special electromagnetic environments, the regulation states.

The initial regulation came into force on Sept. 11, 1993 to ensure proper development and use of radio frequencies, and order on radio waves. The revision will take effect on Dec. 1, 2016.

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