
On a high note

By Xu Jingxi ( China Daily ) Updated: 2013-12-24 09:22:02

On a high note

Bellows sees Zhuhai,Guangdong province, as his second hometown. Photos by Zou Zhongpin / China Daily 

On a high note
The youth sounds out
On a high note
Met star brings Confucian ideal to recital
The duo presented a touching performance at the annual award ceremony of Tianjin Satellite Channel's China Right Here, a TV program about foreigners in China, in Beijing's Water Cube on Nov 8. Bellows was this year honored among the Top 10 figures who've "made China more beautiful".

Bellows says that he isn't planning to teach more children like Deng.

"I'm too old for that," he says.

He walks with a cane. His thigh hurts because of lumbar vertebra problems.

"I hope my story with Niko will prompt more people to care about those kids who are struggling for opportunities to showcase their talents."

As Bellows writes in his autobiography, All of Me, he hopes to go beyond merely performing to helping others.

"My wish is that I have brought something to China with my music (and) to be able to give in return for the kindness we have received," Bellows explains.

He moved to China in 2000 at age 74 after his wife bought an apartment in Guangdong province's Zhuhai in 1998.

He has spent the years since embracing "one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. My dream is always about music. I would like to live as an active performing artist on the stage as long as possible."

He says China has presented him with premium performance opportunities, while rejuvenating his thinking as he witnesses the country's rapid development.

"China has done much for me to keep my mind active and my youthful ways in action. This country is booming. I can feel the energy as it grows," Bellows says in his book.

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