
Joseph Gordon-Levitt set To Reach The Clouds

( Agencies ) Updated: 2014-01-26 10:18:50

Joseph Gordon-Levitt set To Reach The Clouds

Joseph Gordon-Levitt [Photo/Agencies]

Joseph Gordon-Levitt set To Reach The Clouds

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt set To Reach The Clouds

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt looks set to star in 'To Reach The Clouds'.

The 'Don Jon' star is being lined up to play high-wire walker Philippe Petit in Robert Zemeckis' new project, which is based on James Marsh's Oscar-winning 2008 documentary, 'Man On Wire'.

The script has already been penned by 'Flight' director Zemeckis and co-writer Christopher Browne, with the movie expected to draw largely from Petit's 2002 memoir, according to Twitch.

The French adventurer gained fame for his high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City in August 1974.

The film is reportedly being planned in a 3D format, which would offer a spectacular visual experience as Petit balances high above the city.

It is expected to focus how Petit, guided by a mentor, plots with his relatives and girlfriend to sneak up to the top of one of the Towers at night, stringing a 450-pound cable from one building to the other before beginning his daring exploit.

Zemeckis is also currently attached to make an adaptation of Patrick Ness' 'Chaos Walking', children's tale 'The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane', and war drama 'Marwencol', so it is not yet known when 'To Reach The Clouds' will begin production.

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