
Chinese, French royal gardens sign cooperative agreements

( ) Updated: 2014-10-16 08:33:01

Chinese, French royal gardens sign cooperative agreements

Chateau de Chambord, constructed during the Renaissance Period, symbolized the peak of French civilization.[Photo/IC]

China's Yuanmingyuan Garden, or the Old Summer Palace, and France's Chateau de Chambord signed a cooperative agreement in Beijing on Monday to enhance the protection of cultural heritage, to hold exhibitions on a regular basis, and to share digital display technologies in the future.

Chinese, French royal gardens sign cooperative agreements

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Chinese, French royal gardens sign cooperative agreements

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Yuanmingyuan, known as the garden of gardens, was built in 1709 and covered an area of 160,000 square meters. Chateau de Chambord, constructed during the Renaissance Period, symbolized the peak of French civilization.

Both have been inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the official establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, an exhibition on Yuanmingyuan Garden is being held at Chateau de Chambord from Sept 9 to Oct 31.

Meanwhile, a cultural exhibition of Chateau de Chambord also opened at Yuanmingyuan Garden on Monday, showcasing photos and introductory texts about the history and cultural connotations of the royal garden.

"Yuanmingyuan and Chateau de Chambord have much in common," Li Xiangyang, deputy director of the administration office of Yuanmingyuan Garden, told, "Buildings in both gardens have typical European style. We have to promote exchanges among artists and architects from the two countries. The prospect for cooperation is broad."

Li added that both sides will also reinforce cooperation on the protection of cultural relics.

The French side is working on a new version of a travel guide on Chateau de Chambord for Chinese tourists in the hope of helping them learn more about French culture, according to the chateau's management office.

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