
China's inside track on Hollywood

By Wang Kaihao ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-06-04 07:34:54

China's inside track on Hollywood

Betty Zhou, a Chinese TV presenter known for her coverage of US movies and sports.Photo provided to China Daily

The first television show to give Chinese audiences an inside look at Hollywood screened its first episode on Channel 6 of China Central Television last week.

The seven-minute entertainment news show Talking to Hollywood will air on Friday evenings with host Betty Zhou, a Chinese TV presenter known for her coverage of US movies and sports. Zhou is also the show's producer.

Zhou talks to A-list stars and presents behind-the-scene stories about Hollywood blockbusters.

"It's unlike any other show (about Hollywood) in China. I am thrilled to be bringing a little Hollywood glamour to Chinese audiences," says Zhou, who began her TV career in Singapore.

"I had some fun with the celebrities, which you probably don't see in other programs."

For example, she races cars with Tom Cruise, tours Pixar Animation Studios, chats up with Arnold Schwarzenegger and meets Marvel's newest big screen superhero, Antman.

"When you see her traveling to these places, you are in that environment," says Rob Moore, vice-chairman of Paramount Pictures, co-creator of the show. Moore says it is not enough to simply air US shows with Chinese subtitles. "We need someone from China, who speaks Mandarin and has the ability to connect with Western celebrities," Moore says.

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