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Adaptations of Journey to the West

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2015-07-29 05:21

Adaptations of <EM>Journey to the West</EM>

DVD cover of The Princess of Iron Fan. [Photo/Agencies]

The Princess of Iron Fan

Monochromatic film The Princess of Iron Fan was the first animated feature made in China. It was directed by the Wan brothers, all masters in China's history of animation. A monk and his three disciples seek Buddhist teachings, but their journey is intercepted by Huo Yanshan, a fire mountain. The Monkey King and Zhu Bajie go to borrow the fan from the Princess of Iron Fan, which can put out the fire on the mountain, but the princess refuses to lend it. After a series of fights with the princess and her husband, the Ox King, the group obtains the fan, extinguishes the fire and finally continues their journey to the west.

Director: Wan Laiming, Wan Guchan, Wan Chaochen, Wan Dihuan

Release date: 1941

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