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Internet Culture Forum participants: We came, we met and we learned

By Jiang Wanjuan and Zhang Xingjian in Wuzhen | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2016-11-18 14:40

Internet Culture Forum participants: We came, we met and we learned

Barry Swersky [Photo by Zhang Xingjian/China Daily]

Barry Swersky, researcher at the Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel

"There is no weaknesses (of spreading Chinese culture abroad), but there is a lack of understanding and background. For example, if you play Chinese Opera to a European audience, they won't understand it well. But if you put a little explanation at the beginning and do subtitles, and you do it for 30 minutes instead of four hours, it can work. The internet is a good tool to get a vast audience, but you have to present it properly and professionally, with the best quality."

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