2014巴西世界杯 > 精选双语球评



2014-06-20 10:19:23




摘要:希腊队长卡楚拉尼斯( Kostas Katsouranis)累积两张黄牌离场,扎切罗尼的球队以多打少难破僵局。

Greece held on for a scoreless draw against Japan in Natal on Thursday, ensuring Colombia will play in the round of 16 in Brazil.


Despite playing the entire second half with one less player, after skipper Kostas Katsouranis was expelled seven minutes before half-time, Greece denied the misfiring Japanese at the Arena das Dunas as both teams picked up their first points of the World Cup.


Katsouranis went into the book for the first time in the 27th minute when he slid into the back of Yuya Osako and his trip to halt Japan captain Makoto Hasebe's break 11 minutes later was the end of his match.

第27分钟,卡楚拉尼斯背后放倒了大迫勇也(Yuya Osako)吃到第一张黄牌。11分钟后,他又放倒了日本队长长谷部诚(Yuya Osako),累积两张黄牌离场。

The draw saw Colombia, who had defeated Ivory Coast 2-1 earlier on Thursday, secure a berth in the knockout stages at their first World Cup since 1998, as they lead Group C with six points with one game to play.


The most intriguing selection for Greece was not a change with coach Fernando Santos sticking with Giannis Maniatis despite the Olympiacos defensive midfielder having threatened to leave Brazil on Wednesday after a training ground argument.

最耐人寻味的是,虽然奥林匹亚科斯防守型中场马尼亚蒂斯(Giannis Maniatis)在周三训练时与教练费尔南多·桑托斯(Fernando Santos)爆发了冲突并威胁要离开巴西世界杯,桑托斯仍然让他担任了首发。

Maniatis retained his spot in defensive midfield, while Kostas Mitroglou and Ioannis Fetfatzidis replaced Theofanis Gekas and Dimitris Salpigidis respectively.

马尼亚蒂斯仍然首发担任防守型中场,米特罗格卢(Kostas Mitroglou)和菲特法齐迪斯(Ioannis Fetfatzidis)则取代上一场的耶卡斯(Theofanis Gekas)和萨尔皮吉迪斯(Dimitris Salpigidis)出任首发。

Japan coach Alberto Zaccheroni made the brave decision of dropping Shinji Kagawa for Yoshito Okubo, while Yasuyuki Konno took Masato Morishige's spot in central defence.

日本方面,主教练扎切罗尼大胆用大久保嘉人(Yoshito Okubo)取代香川真司出任首发,今野泰幸(Yasuyuki Konno)也在防守中场位置上取代森重真人(Masato Morishige)首发出场。

(译者 阿呆爱小纯 编辑 齐磊)



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