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Normal Speed News VOA常速


Environmentalists worried over increased production of autos

2012-10-26 09:53
The new production record is heightening concerns among environmentalists.

NYC schools expand birth control availability

2012-10-26 09:53
Every year in New York, more than 2,500 girls under 18 give birth, and many drop out of school.

Wastewater plants extract nutrients from sewage(视频)

2012-10-25 10:16
Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant in Washington is the largest facility of its kind in the world and is among the leaders in the effort.

Falconer uses birds to give young people hope(视频)

2012-10-25 10:16
Rodney Stotts is passionate about birds of prey. He found his calling through birds of prey.

French experts question GMO cancer study

2012-10-24 13:23
The French national food safety agency joined six scientific academies in concluding the study was too badly done to support its conclusions.

Electronic dance music bounds into mainstream

2012-10-24 13:23
"Technology changes music," notes Koyu. "That's definitely the case and so you can say like the computer laptop is the new guitar."

Every night is fright night at Elegant Theater

2012-10-23 10:19
Many boast classical décor, complete with crystal chandeliers, velvet draperies, statues and urns, and gilt-leaf molding.

Pirate attacks are down in 2012

2012-10-23 10:19
Usually, from the middle of June to early September, there are few pirate attacks off the Somali coast.

Serving farm-fresh meals at the farm

2012-10-22 10:42
Farm to Table refers to a movement promoting locally grown food which has been gaining traction in recent years.

Maryland shop cooks up chocolate vote

2012-10-22 10:37
On Election Day, Nov. 6, millions of Americans will cast their vote for either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney for US President.

Interfaith worshipers celebrate sea, surf

2012-10-19 10:00
A recent interfaith worship service on a California beach an hour south of Los Angeles celebrated the ocean and the state's surfing culture.

US president chosen by electors, not popular vote

2012-10-19 10:00
While millions of Americans will cast ballots for president in November, their votes do not directly send one of the candidates to the White House.

Some illegal immigrants allowed to stay under Obama order

2012-10-18 09:14
Immigrants who were brought to the US illegally at age 15 or younger are eligible to stay for at least two years.

Maryland man is real hero behind 'Argo'

2012-10-18 09:07
"Argo" focuses on the clandestine CIA operation to rescue those six diplomats.

Effort underway to boost US voter participation(视频)

2012-10-17 10:39
Groups are mobilizing to get an underrepresented group of eligible voters involved in the process.

Polio victim searches for love in 'The Sessions'

2012-10-17 10:39
John Hawkes and Helen Hunt co-star in The Sessions, the true story of a man paralyzed by polio but determined to have a full life.

West Nile surge keeps exterminator busy(视频)

2012-10-16 09:33
Damien Sanchez says the chemical spray not only kills mosquitoes, but has a long-term repellent effect as well.

Student street clinic helps homeless(视频)

2012-10-16 09:23
Medical students in California are getting real-world experience by helping the homeless on the streets of Los Angeles.

Number of Chinese students in US dramatically expands

2012-10-15 15:56
The number of undergraduate students from China in the US has doubled in the last two years.

Unusual Mars rock surprises rover scientist

2012-10-15 15:25
Stolper says it is difficult to conclude from this one rock whether it formed the same way such rocks formed on Earth.

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