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Normal Speed News VOA常速


Venezuelans vote for Chavez successor

2013-04-16 10:57
Maria Ortega said she voted for Maduro because that is what President Chavez wanted.

Spectacular cherry blossoms in Maryland lure international visitors

2013-04-16 10:57
The blooms are at peak, and so are the number of tourists who come to gaze at them.

Cameroon, FAO install move to protect mangroves

2013-04-15 09:50
Mangroves play an important part in maintaining Africa’s coastlines and human livelihoods.

India’s gay community fights for acceptance, equality

2013-04-15 09:50
Indian activists are listening closely as the U.S. Supreme Court debates the issue of same sex marriage.

US plays unique role in fighting deadliest diseases

2013-04-12 09:33
Diseases change constantly. New ones develop. Old ones mutate. Drugs that once contained them no longer work.

Rival GDP measure puts emphasis on social progress

2013-04-12 09:33
Since the early 20th century, the United States has topped the global table of Gross Domestic Product.

Same-sex marriage faced a serious test in US

2013-04-11 09:56
Thousands of peaceful demonstrators gathered outside the Supreme Court in Washington, DC this week.

Dietary changes help lower blood pressure

2013-04-11 09:56
There are many studies indicating that reducing salt or sodium intake can lower the risk of stroke and related illnesses.

US drone strikes under scrutiny

2013-04-10 14:23
Unmanned drones are being used with increasing frequency in fighting terrorist groups like al-Qaida.

Egyptian w omen reject blame for upsurge in sexual harrassment

2013-04-10 14:23
In Egypt, women's rights groups are pushing back against some Islamists' attempts to blame women for an upsurge in sexual harassment.

Russia promises a snowy Sochi 2014

2013-04-09 15:56
Russia chose one of its southernmost cities — subtropical Sochi — as its nominee for next year's Winter Olympics.

Economic hard times increase immigration tensions in Europe

2013-04-09 15:56
The United States is not the only country engaged in the emotionally charged debate over immigration.

Teacher Finds Artful Way to Inspire Students

2013-04-02 15:53
"If there is silence, there is an opportunity for music," he says. "If there is a white surface, then there is an opportunity for color.

Gun Violence Inflicts Emotional Toll on Victims' Families

2013-04-02 15:53
Oliver Smith’s son was a police officer, shot execution style by three men during a robbery.

Hunger is bad for your health

2013-03-29 14:46
Today we examine your health. Doctors say you have got to get up out of that chair and move!

Sports Doping: From the Playing Field to the Laboratory

2013-03-29 14:46
Today, we report on sports doping -- the use of drugs or other substances to improve athletic performance.

India’s Auto Industry Hit Hard by Lagging Economy

2013-03-29 14:38
For those in the market for a new car in India, this could not be a better time, as dealers are offering discounts to get people in the door.

US Supreme Court Considers Gay Marriage

2013-03-29 14:38
Among those supporting gay marriage is the Reverend Darryl Kistler from California.

New Generation of Laptops Unveiled

2013-03-25 15:12
Intel has adopted a technology called “Ivy Bridge” on its new line of chips which reduces power consumption dramatically.

US Air Force Facing Cuts in Manpower, Flying Hours

2013-03-25 15:12
Weedn and Gilliard are among the 230 civilian reservists with the KC-135s who face cuts at Andrews Air Force Base.

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