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WHO warns of malaria resurgence

2012-12-19 10:49
The WHO has released its annual World Malaria Report, which warns of funding and resource shortfalls.

E-commerce challenges traditional stores

2012-12-19 10:49
Other than food, 90 percent of her purchases are made on the computer in her Washington apartment.

Killing of US school children sparks gun control discussion

2012-12-18 10:26
Authorities say the weapons used in the Newtown shooting were legally registered to Nancy Lanza, the mother of the gunman, Adam Lanza.

Tattoos illustrate art of saving lives

2012-12-18 10:26
While many view tattoos as a creative way to express themselves, for Rhoderick it is a potential lifesaver.

California attracts cars of the future

2012-12-14 09:32
The hills on the west side of Los Angeles are the perfect place for Scott Painter to experience his passion for cars, especially if they are fast and cutting edge.

Abduction prompts girl to fight back for all women

2012-12-14 09:32
Jessup produced "Just Yell Fire," a self-defense video for high school girls, in 2006.

Gay rights groups push for anti-discrimination laws

2012-12-04 09:58
The US Supreme Court is considering whether to hear a case involving laws that define marriage as being only between a man and a woman.

Washington insider Susan Rice could face tough nomination battle

2012-12-04 09:58
She was an early supporter and advisor to then-candidate Barack Obama and became his United Nations ambassador in January 2009.

Words and their stories: state nicknames, part 3

2012-12-04 09:50
Mississippi is The Magnolia State. It is named for a tree with big, beautiful white flowers that grows in that hot, southern state.

Marian Anderson: Her voice became famous around the world

2012-12-04 09:50
She finishes, and there is a long silence. Then the people clap and cheer. They call out for another song. And they call out her name: Marian Anderson.

Obama appeals to public about 'fiscal cliff'

2012-12-03 10:39
President Barack Obama is campaigning again, this time for his plan to deal with a potential fiscal crisis.

World AIDS Day 2012 more hopeful than in past

2012-12-03 10:39
The United States has announced a plan to significantly reduce the global spread of AIDS.

Violin maker keeps family tradition alive

2012-11-30 10:38
He spent approximately seven months working on making the violin and some two months varnishing it.

Slow progress on curbing deforestation expected at climate conference

2012-11-30 10:38
Fred Boltz, a senior vice president at Conservation International, says progress on REDD has been slow because it involves much more than preventing forest fires.

New report outlines strategy for HIV/AIDS

2012-11-28 09:52
The AIDS advocacy group AVAC says 2013 will be a critical year for ending the epidemic.

Consumer spending will decline unless Congress averts fiscal cliff

2012-11-28 09:52
A new poll shows a whopping 247 million shoppers visited stores and websites over the Thanksgiving weekend.

Home TB treatment is helping patients in Swaziland

2012-11-27 10:14
With the world's highest HIV rate, the kingdom of Swaziland also battles drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Oxfam: Power, water shortages in Goma

2012-11-27 10:14
Oxfam’s Christina Corbett is in Goma, where thousands of people have sought shelter in schools, churches and elsewhere.

Kyoto Protocol winds down as delegates head to Doha

2012-11-26 09:51
That deal sets binding targets for industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of five percent from 1990 levels.

US shoppers flock to stores searching for bargains

2012-11-26 09:51
The holiday shopping blitz is on. US retailers opened their doors to accommodate crowds of shoppers looking for deals.

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