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Meditating on inkstones in Hebei

Updated: 2012-06-29 17:10
Meditating on inkstones in Hebei

Visitors experience the heft and size of the Yishui Inkstone Company's largest piece, carved out of one single stone. [Photo/]

A quality inkstone should have the correct porousness and texture and will increase the performance of the ink. It should not be too hard or too soft, allowing the ink to grind quickly while remaining able to produce a homogenous fine-grained ink. Size and shape can be tailored to a calligrapher or painter's personal style and requirements.

Meditating on inkstones in Hebei

Artisans discover the colorations within a stone, and design an inkstone around them. [Photo/]

Yi county's inkstones come in all sizes. The larger ones are used for serving tea, or are decorative. One massive piece portrays multiple cavorting dragons, covering an area big enough to fill a small apartment.

Hebei's Yi county produced the first inkstones in China. Particularly popular during the Tang and Song dynasties, Yi county's inkstones have maintained their place in history. As the ink embraces the scroll, people hold onto the pieces of culture that help them to express and experience elegance, simplicity and beauty.

Meditating on inkstones in Hebei

Goats cautiously approach the ink reservoir on an inkstone. [Photo/]

Meditating on inkstones in Hebei

In Hebei, rocks patiently wait to become inkstones. [Photo/]

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